Church on the Street has been ministering to the less fortunate of Wichita for 14 years. During that time, by the grace of God, we have yet to miss a single Sunday. Rain, shine, or snow, we SHOW!!


Our Mission

Our mission is very simple and can be summed up with three points:

1. Seek first the Kingdom of God: Many times with homeless ministries the first inclination is to focus on "life" skills. It's our belief and our experience that the first thing is to save the souls of those the Lord brings to us. We're concerned with the salvation of the lost, and not just sticking broken people back into the "system." (Matthew 6:33)

2. Evangelize: Our whole ministry operates outdoors for a reason. We love to preach the gospel to the truly poor, the lost of the lost sheep. (2 Timothy 4:2, Isaiah 61:1, Mark 16:15)

3. Disciple: The sheep that God has given us tends to stray more then the average person. Our congregation is made of people bound by addiction, abuse, mental illness, or have lived a life devoid of structure. It is our prayer and hope to one day be able to offer secondary housing options for those who have given their life to Jesus, and are ready to become his disciple. Secondary housing, or discipleship housing, is an option for those lacking general structure in their lives.(Matthew 28:19)

What to expect

Service normally starts around 1130am and runs until approximately 1pm. All that we need for service is brought in a truck and trailer. Setting up and tearing down is definitely a community effort that we all help out with. A full service requires the set up of multiple plastic picnic tables that sit up to 6 people each, folding plastic tables that we use to serve our food and set out our clothing donations, and the set up of an audio system used for praise and worship and the preaching of the days sermon. On the colder, or wetter, days we will praise and preach A cappella. There are plenty of opportunities for those with a servants heart. If you're interested in getting involved or would like to join us for service feel free to email any of our leadership or just come out. If you would like to bring out a team or youth group please contact our Project Manager Samantha Vifinkle at (507) 219-0266.

I cannot work my soul to save, For that my Lord hath done; But I will work like any slave, For love of God’s dear Son.
— Unknown